The Imperceptible Reality of the Phenomenon

9 min readFeb 3, 2022

When I first started listening to interviews with Lue Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon’s UFO program, the one thing that piqued my interest the most was when he would explain how radio waves, Wifi signals, cosmic radiation, and other energies are all part of our reality even though we can’t perceive them with our five senses.

At first I really struggled to understand what this had to do with the phenomenon, but as time went on and I learned more from other knowledgable figures in the field, I saw a narrative starting to take shape.

More and more very serious people have begun to hint at the potential importance of this scenario, including former intelligence officials, world-class scientists, and others who would most likely be privy to information that has not yet been disclosed to the public.

I thought it would be worth taking the time to round up these comments made by those “in the know” into one coherent summary, as I believe the conversation about this aspect of the phenomenon will become increasingly relevant in the near future.

I’m sure it’s not perfect, but I did my best to transcribe the quotes accurately and within the appropriate context.

Jim Semivan

Semivan is a former CIA officer and co-founder of TTSA with Tom DeLonge. In his recent interview on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp, he became one of the latest insiders to insinuate that this aspect of the phenomenon could in fact be real.

I think they mention that the phenomenon is a natural part of our universe, and we’re living in it but we don’t recognize it. The same way that insects and animals don’t recognize the human universe.

A cat and a dog could be running through a library, but they don’t have the faintest idea what the books are all about and what libraries are all about. We might be walking through our existence and there’s a whole other reality that surrounds us that we just simply don’t have the ability to see or interact with.

It seems to be peeking inside our little consensus reality. As I explained to somebody once, it comes close, it teases us, it cajoles us, it lies to us, but you can never take it home to meet the parents. It won’t allow you to do that. There’s no formal introduction.

Add on top that there’s no ontology, which is just a fancy word, it basically means there’s no structure to even discuss this. We don’t have a common lexicon. Somebody said we have dots but no connections. I don’t even think we have dots.

Franc Milburn

Milburn is a former British military intelligence officer and a member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. In the last 10 minutes of this interview on Darkness Radio, Milburn opines on the aspects of the phenomenon that the general public are going to have the hardest time accepting as reality.

I think now people can kind of get their head around it. Like, okay, we might not be alone in the universe. But they’re still kind of thinking in terms of ET, extraterrestrial, people visiting us in a kind of physical craft. I think what’s going to really blow people’s minds, and what they can’t get their head around, is the kind of wider, weird high strangeness as Dr. Jacques Vallee and Eric Davis have written about.

The kind of high strangeness of the various phenomena. Things at the Skinwalker ranch like the poltergeist activity. You know, the cryptids. You know, the fact that all these things seem to have these disembodied voices. The fact that UAP and these kind of phenomena seem to happen in one area very close together, and seem to kind of be interconnected in some way, perhaps. You know, cattle mutilations.

That’s where I think it’s going to be problematic, for people to get their head around. The fact that the phonomena can exsanguinate cattle and zap dogs, and fill people with sort of an adrenal, kind of pheromonal fear. That it can control people’s minds.

So those are things I think people are going to have a real big problem getting their heads around. The fact that there’s invisible entities that may have malign or benign intentions that are operating around us and you can’t see them. There’s a whole kind of different parallel world existence that kind of intersects with our own.

I think that is what people are going to have a very hard time getting their head around.

Milburn then says Lue Elizondo’s comparison of our current understanding of the phenomenon to how we were scared of ”sea monsters” before we figured out they were just part of nature is an accurate way to frame this.

Lue Elizondo

Lue made these points in several interviews, but in this one he’s asked to elaborate on his comments that I described in the first paragraph about how our senses are reductive and limit our reality, and how this might be relevant to the phenomenon.

This is something we’ve been dealing with for a long time. Imagine the first person to get on a boat and sail over the horizon. There’s stories of sea monsters and Krakens that will devour you and destroy your boat. Yet, we did it anyways. We did sail, and we explored the world. It turns out, 500 years later, there really are sea monsters. We call them the Great Squid of the Pacific, and great white sharks and whales.

Now they’re just part of nature and have a scientific name, but those sea monsters still exist. They’re there, we just learned to understand them. Maybe this is the same thing. Maybe this is just another expedition over the horizon where we’re going to realize what we thought were monsters are really just neighbors.

Tom DeLonge

The invisible entity and parallel world ideas are also something that Tom DeLonge has been speaking about for a while now.

It’s one giant antenna. Your ribcage, your arms, your brain, the whole thing’s an antenna. So [ayahuasca] hypes up your antenna. Then all of a sudden, what do you see? You see a bunch of creatures that are very old, very powerful, that are more synthetic. That are AI. That don’t have the feeling, the emotions, they don’t have the love, the capability of love. They don’t have the capability as a soul that understands what love is, and love is what created the universe. But let’s just take that word “love” out and just say “unified mind.”

So I think what we’re going to realize as we discover ways to supercharge our brains, we’re going to start to see some of those dimensional realities all around us. It’s the same thing, a lot of times people have wounds from alien abduction that match wounds from demonic possession.

It’s all the same shit, you know, where you have these things that are just out of our visual perception that are kind of here, that can either fuck with us from a distance, or create displacement craft and come over and fuck with us directly. Either way, it all looks to be the same thing that’s talked about everywhere.

Dr. Garry Nolan

In this interview with Linda Moulton Howe, she tells Stanford geneticist Garry Nolan how she was discussing microtubules with Stuart Hameroff and how he said their hypothesis is that our brains were specifically constructed to entangle with the quantum fields of the universe.

Nolan replies with the following explanation.

If you and I were sitting across the room from each other, my perception of you is not my perception of Linda, my perception is of the photons, my sight of you is the photons, which are quantum fields impacting upon the proteins which are basically just objects embedded in the structure of spacetime, and somehow interacting with the quantum fields of the photons that are you.

Then my brain builds an image of you that we think of is reality. It’s not too far afield for me to think about it, that there’s information flying by the proteins and atoms of our body that are changing something that eventually is translated up into information and perception.

In another interview with Jesse Michels, he also speculates further on the nature of what the phenomenon might be.

I mean it’s so far different from us that it’s doing it’s best to talk to us in ways that it can do. They’re either from another planet in this galaxy or elsewhere. Underground or nearby, or whatever. They just show up to look at us because they’re basically, maybe looking at their past, or they’re interdimensional, or they’re from another level of reality that we don’t understand.

He then says this later on in the interview.

When your mind expands to a certain point, in terms of what you might consider reality to be, other entities live there.


In Diana Pasulka’s book American Cosmic, she describes a presentation given by a scientist going by the pseudonym “James,” who is believed by some to be Garry Nolan. This notion is based off of the description of James’s work in the book. Among other things, there are glaring similarities between the stories that both Nolan and James have told about “men in black” asking them to research the biological effects that UAPs had on US military service members. However, there has been no official confirmation of this by either Nolan or Pasulka.

That aside, “James” also seems to be saying something similar to what Stuart Hameroff told Linda Moulton Howe.

When James ended his presentation, a silence filled the room. I imagined that the others had as many questions as I did but were still formulating them. Or maybe they were too shocked to speak. In any case, a colleague finally ventured a question that I shared, which had to do with quantum theory and James’s idea of the field of information. “At what point does the anomalous phenomena come into contact with human hardware?”

James repeated the question in his answer. “Basically, it appears that anomalous cognition starts on a level that is beyond the physical world of which we are aware. I suggest it is on some quantum level. Humans use their senses to interact with energy forms like light. Modern physics reveals that at these well understood physical levels quantum information is transferred. However, once an individual becomes aware of an anomalous event or knowledge, it has at that point already been transferred into human brains as a “recognition” via mainstream physiology — namely, human neuronal hardware. So, let’s identify where this information is transferred, and identify what types of molecules are involved in this process. This allows us to begin the long road towards identifying the human interface that is our connection to the phenomenon.”

Dr. Jacques Vallee

I’m sure there are better examples of Jacques’s work that explore this area of the phenomenon, but this paper authored by him and Garry Nolan expands on this in a comprehensive way.

Because it is hard to imagine all possible life forms, and given the short time that life and consciousness have been scientifically studied (less than one century), it would be prudent not to rule out possibilities that may appear unfashionable. Life may thrive underground and in space, near and far from planets and stars, and under conditions we may now consider prohibitive (13). With the newly essential understandings of quantum physics and quantum information, are “biological brains” the only place consciousness could have evolved?

To this point, new models for the evolution of consciousness and matter are under study that suggest novel possibilities to interpret the nature of reality and which are at odds with a materialistic worldview. This includes the possibility of other forms of communication or contact with alien intelligences that are considered “science fiction” by mainstream science, yet have an extraordinary history of anecdotal evidence. We are speaking of everything from telepathy, empathy, remote viewing, and out of body experiences that may be pointing towards channels of communications beyond what electromagnetic waves can reveal.

Before dismissing such ideas, we need keep in mind that all sensory apparatus our consciousness employs to interpret our immediate universe relies upon electromagnetic waves which propagate as quantum fields. Our sensory apparatus operates in that quantum reality. We perceive quantum information and construct our internal “animal” view of reality — but are we perceiving all information fields enfolding us? Are we consciously aware of everything we are perceiving? Animals, and now humans, are recently understood to perceive magnetic fields. The proteins in our brain that form our neurons sit in a quantum mix where information is transferred in still unfathomable manners. Are those proteins and biologicals completely blind to all forms of information passing through them?

There are definitely more people who have suggested this reality, but I think those I mentioned give enough credence to the fact that this is starting to become a theme among those who probably know more than the average person about this subject.




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